Monday 7 November 2016


I wait, in hope of
paths choosing me, but realize
I need to make one.

Haiku Horizons
Image Source: Heaven can wait

Sunday 23 October 2016

To you, with love

My dear unborn baby,

Although you are safe inside me and I am able to feel your movements, I am eager to touch you with my bare hands, hold you delicately, feel your soft skin against my rough palms.. I can't wait to see you, how you look like, what your sun sign is going to be, what would be your gender, your dad's expressions, I am getting a lot impatient. It's about 6 weeks till I get to see you, in real. As much as I am excited, I am so scared. You very well know I wasn't expecting your arrival in our life this soon. But, you have brought me immense happiness. Every time I feel you kicking, twisting, turning, somersaulting inside me, I treasure that feeling. And with your dad nearby, your hormones kick in -  you are as much excited as your dad experiencing you.. I love that moment. Even as I am writing to you thinking about those moments, my eyes are welled up.

Baby, I know I have been guilty at times of not eating properly, being involved in work too much, and most of all, shedding a lot, lot tears. I am sorry my miracle. Mumma loves you a lot. Probably, can't express it. But mumma does love you. Dad and you forms her world. She loves your dad a lot, just like your dad loves her a lot. And mumma dad loves you a lot, and there are a string of reasons.

I have a lot to tell you, and unlike advise that pours in of talking to belly, I talk inside myself. Somehow, I feel I can reach you more closer through that. Dad talks to you through silence. I still remember how he was so scared to feel you, when I first began experiencing you. He was scared to touch you through me, you tiniest miracle. But now, he just wants to touch you, in real, just like I do, or probably more, I don't know. I love the way you brought us closer. You have been my shield too, protecting me from his anger for my pranks and humor :P

As I am conversing with you, I have so much to tell you: about your dad, his struggles in life, your grand parents, my upbringing, relatives, people, world, and a lot many things. But I will reserve it for now. Because, most of the things you will learn by own. You are going to be one smart individual, I have no doubt about that.

Someday, when you read this, I know you will understand that though I said cliched words, you understood unwritten feelings and all the love that I have carefully wrapped in this incomplete letter.

Stay blessed.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

To be remembered.

We all want to be remembered. And I am no exception to this. On the contrary, I have this feeling more than the 'normal'. I remember a friend telling me, "I don't know for what, but you have this deep desire to prove yourself." When I first heard it, I couldn't digest it. But as I filtered thoughts and went deep inside myself, I realized how true that was. And I knew the 'why' too. I just couldn't (and still haven't) get over it (reason). 

All my life, I have craved for love. I read (so many times, over and over) that the craving for love ceases in giving (and not receiving/begging). Somehow, the more I have tried (giving, in all truth and honesty), I have found, in the end, craving for all the more. I am yet to be sure if the craving is still in back of my mind while giving. But whatever it is, the thirst never quenches. 

Right now, I am right next to the person I love most (and who loves me most, equally). Yet, the craving hasn't ceased. Sometimes, I wonder if it's all in my mind; if this emptiness is just in my thoughts? I don't know.

But I do know the 'why'. It's because of the simple fact of us humans - to be remembered. I vividly remember a lot of (unpleasant) episodes of my childhood and adolescence – years when I desperately wanted to be acknowledged, valued, and loved (for what I was). Right from the time when I have understood the meaning of 'life' (which keeps changing, by the way), I always wanted to touch a person's life, to leave that indelible mark. Maybe I would have, over the years, the voice inside me tells me that, in a manner I am yet to comprehend. But the mind just refuses to accept. 

Never in my life have I actually achieved or got what I really wanted. Maybe my time wasn't right or maybe my efforts weren't of the level required or maybe due to wavering wishes. I couldn't figure why, on that part. Somehow, by touching (changing/transforming) anther life, I want to beat that incompleteness. I know this isn't right, but that is how it is. I won't deny it. 

And now, as I see my love peacefully strolling in dreams, my mind wonders if he is 'the' one whom I have actually touched in a way no one hasn't? Is he the same man who couldn't sleep at nights as the things he have been through tormented him during darkness, which turned him in to an insomniac? I have touched him in a way probably no one ever has, for, I love him in all honesty (no, not 100%, that minus 0.1% remains :P), and he has touched me in a way no man has ever. 

Maybe, my innate desire to leave a legacy, to be remembered, is meant for him?

Thursday 14 July 2016

The blank page

There lies the blank page
dressed in pristine white
lifeless, wordless, hopeless, 
unaware of its purpose, 
unaware of its reason of existence. 
What is its story?
Does it has the same identity (like all others)?
More the emptiness, more springs the questions, 
flying aimlessly in search of answers. 
On a rainy night, it becomes a boat
in little, tender hands;
to a roadside vendor, 
it becomes another wrapper; 
in hands of an housewife, 
it becomes never-ending, pending list;
in an artist's hands, 
it becomes a beautiful moment; 
but only in the hands of a writer, 
it becomes a timeless, priceless, flawless piece of treasure. 

Image Source: Deluxe Vectors

Thursday 12 May 2016

Lost & found

I long 
to break this endless crowd,
the voices are 
strangling my breaths,
my identity
floats in the nothingness,
my thoughts 
are obscured,
my fragile heart
longs for freedom;
I wander aimlessly
in this grey world -
in search of colors 
that may add a sparkle
in my dark life.
My feet turns me
on a deserted path
where autumn rules
and silence resides.
My heart rejoices
seeing the empty lanes
for there I found 
my lost voice again..

Image & Prompt Source: A Week for Writing

Monday 2 May 2016

Sporadic Thoughts

I wish I was a poet, or could be one. I could have said so much, hide layers of meanings in few words. But then, I'm not. Heck, I'm not even a wordsmith. I'm just, well, a normal human (?) who craves to express artfully, but ends up scribbling another journal, piling among the countless existing ones.

They say life is dreaming about something you can't be, that lures you towards the dreams, for to be it, you should first dream it. That's true. But then, there are so many dreams which are born and die on a daily basis, sometimes even hourly basis. We kill a majority of them, citing wishful thinking. That's a God-given trait, for which we are more victim than guilty. It's in DNA. Anyway, I'm just going off somewhere else. Again, the incompetency bites me. I wish I had knew enough words so that I could avoid a lot of them, and pack my feelings in the most refined ones. But then, raw always has its beauty. That's again nature of the law. Although beauty pleases the eye, heart loves the raw, unrefined, unpolished, and simplicity of truth.

Ever since I have come to know the growing of a life inside me, a lot has changed and keeps changing. Sometimes I am elated, and next moment, it seems like 'my' life is over. Of course, a lot of it had been wishful thinking for which I was meticulously planning to tick off the list, the news of it has hung a huge block of load on it. I'm not blaming anybody, except for myself or destiny at times. Of course, it's a beginning to new leaf. But then, words of my husband keeps haunting me, few words which he said, which I'm not okay with, but strangely finding them to come true. I wish I could do more now. I know few months down the line, this same line of thought is going to occur. I just want to change that. There is a lot, in fact, I need to change. For the future. But in that effort, let me not slip through the present. Let me take one step at a time. Let me gather my thoughts. Otherwise, just like this rant, life won't make any sense. Neither to me, nor to the readers.

Let me learn the words, and the meaning of their silence. 

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Twist in the tale

It's hardly been a month and my life seems to have taken a whole turn. For good. Professionally, what seems to be a hurdle, personally, it's called promotion. It's just a matter of time. And on second thoughts, it's actually a long time. Things won't be same. Well, they are never meant to be same. But right now, amidst all the confusion and questions, I'm happy. And that's all it matters. Right?